Gathered here are further resources available to D43 Key Club members for information at the division, district, and international level!
Featured is the monthly division newsletter created by DNE Suyeon Hwang for March 2021!
Information in the Newsletter includes: - Editor's Note - Scavenger Hunt - Spring Word Search - Song of the Month - LTG Letter - Key Dates - March Birthdays - Division Goal Progress - February DCM + Baby Shower - Recognition - Club Updates - Contacts Look out for the monthly newsletter in the google groups and issuu on the first of every month! |
Last Month's Newsletter:
This Month's Newsletter:
The Official District Newsletter, "The Buzzing Post" created by District News Editor Nancy Duong is an excellent resource for everything CNH district related!
Check out the District Newsletter for information on spotlight core values, updates from the district board, and division recognition, contact information, tips on fundraising, and all different kinds of forms. It is available in pdf format, on issuu, and on the Cyberkey website under News>Newsletters. |
Last Month's Newsletter:
This Month's Newsletter:
Forms and Applications
None currently.
DCM Agenda Archive
Collected here are the past DCM agendas of the 2019-2020 term. Most recent file: May 2020
More Key CLub Forms
Medical Release Form
Background Check Form
CNH Graphic Standards
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